Turn your PC into a WiFi access point

MyPublicWiFi: Free software to turn your PC into a WiFi access point.

MyPublicWiFi makes it possible to transform your computer with a Wi-Fi card and Windows 7/8/10 into a Wi-Fi hotspot, making it possible to connect several devices to your pc at the same time without going through a network Wireless. 

MyPublicWiFi can also restrict access to specific servers or prevent the use of certain Internet services (for example, file sharing programs). MyHotspot saves the viewed URL pages. You can check which client has visited what URL with MyHotspot.
MyPublicWiFi: is a freeware to transform your PC into a WiFi access point to share a wifi connection.

Download MyPublicWiFi 5.1

Share your Internet connection (Ethernet, Wi-Fi, DSL, 3G / HSDPA / 4G):

Use MyPublicWiFi as a WiFi repeater:

MyPublicWiFi Free software to turn your PC into a wifi repeater


How does MyPublicWiFi work?

Create and start your Hotspot

Enter the name and password (it must have eight characters or more) of your wifi hotspot. MyPublicWiFi has strong encryption (WPA2) that can not be disabled.

Connect to the virtual WiFi network

Your network is now created. To connect there is nothing different than a usual wifi connection. With any device, you can find the name you have chosen above and use the configured password.

How to Stop your WiFi Hotspot

You can always stop your virtual network wifi.

Firewall MyPublicWiFi

MyPublicWiFi can restrict access to specific servers or prevent the use of certain Internet services (for example, file sharing programs).

Protocol data MyPublicWiFi

MyPublicWiFi saves all URL pages viewed. This lets you know all URL pages visited by some user.

PCs connected MyPublicWifi

MyPublicWifi displays connected PCs with their IP and MAC addresses.

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